Thursday, November 3, 2011


A, with is stickers a bit askew, lol.
Halloween...we had been preparing for a while, LOL Budget being what it was, costumes were recycled or handmade. I actually prefer it that way, myself. Since my kids are pretty used to frugal-mindedness, they didn't complain!

My two older girls had been planning for months (with cousin S) to do a theme this year...ZELDA!!! K was Link, P was Zelda, and S was fairy Navi...Which basically meant coaching K through the construction of costume pieces, or the hunting up of items that we already had (or could get super cheap!) in order to complete their ensembles. (see pic!) I think she did a pretty good job (especially considering she is AFRAID of my sewing machine, LOL. She thinks it is going to bite her :D) They would be spending the evening at the inlaws, helping out (at least that was what I was told, LOL)

N had her costume planned for a while, too, but hers was really simple. She is a no muss kind of girl, LOL.

M and R just could NOT make up their minds, so I had to scramble to get theirs together...M finally settled on ballerina, which meant I had to repair the tulle on her dress...that girl is a terror on tulle! LMAO! R was easier to please...a kitty headband, black dress and pants, and a little facepaint, and she was a happy girl. :D

A was...typically 3. He didn't want to be the pirate...he didn't want to be Spiderman...he didn't want to be a football player...he didn't want to go trick-or-treating...he didn't have any candy in his basket...he didn't know what costume to wear. Finally I had enough of the 3yo conniptions, and wormed his squirming noodly arms and legs into black pants and his Raiders jersey...if he still insisted on not wanting to TOT, he could just sit in the car with Dad. A little eyeblack under his eyes elicited...a half hour of face wiping and squealing at the top of his lungs...he didn't want the makeup on! LOL. Daddy suggested Raiders stickers instead, and that got him interested. :D

We decided little B would just sit in the car with Dad...good choice, since by the time we got going, he was zonked!

Trick or Treating is FUN, especially when it is your turn to ring the bell!

A decided he WOULD trick or treat...he opted out last year, so it was like a whole new experience for ring the doorbell (FUN!), someone answers, and they GIVE YOU CANDY!!! (Oh the 3 year old JOY at that!!!)

Witchie N, Ballerina M, Kitty R, and the cutest little B! :D

At grandma & grandpas little B (top), THE WHOLE CREW!!!, Hyrulians (S, K, &P), and goofy A
A stop by the inlaws is tradition...can't miss and candy with grandma and grandpa is a must. We have been doing that for many many years now. It's always nice, especially when it has been a chilly evening, to come in, take a break, have some non-chocolate food...usually we will go out and do a little more TOT'ing, but this year we decided not to.

The kids had already racked in 30LBS OF CANDY!!!!

yes...30 lbs.

In a household where we don't have sweeties every day...or even every week...that is a HUGE haul!!

Good thing I stocked up on new toothbrushes, LOL!

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