Monday, September 26, 2011

Even when they know you are right...

they test your patience! My older girls were gone on a camping trip for four (ah I can almost hear myself think!) days. The littler girls went to join them for one night (quiet??? what is this?? Wierd!)...they all got home Sunday afternoon, apparently under the impression that they were still on vacation...oh silly silly girls. You know I couldn't just ENJOY a few big-kidless days...I spent the whole time running load after load of laundry, rearranging furniture, and pulling all those.itty.bitty.random.things out of what seemed like every corner of the house...sigh...

So when they all got home you better believe mama had things for them to do...oh the indignity of it! She wants us to do what? Chores? But but but but...Enough of the buts...You want clean clothes, you put them away, simple.

But do they??...nope..."But we're so tired", "so hungry..." (so basically we don't wanna!). Fine,, bed, but it will be done first thing after school...those are the rules...homework, chores, then fun. I know I can't be the only parent with such simple expectations. Can I???

I spent much of the afternoon today transcribing a couple of my crochet patterns. It takes a bit of concentration, so I sent the boys to play with daddy and the girls to do their chores...or so I thought. On a trip to start another load of laundry (because around here, it JUST NEVER STOPS! LOL), I poke my head into the girls it nice a picked up???? You guessed it...not a SINGLE thing done...N, M, and R sprawled on the floor, K in BED, and P was in the shower...

ok...not a happy mama...grumblegrumblegrumble..Redirect, grumblegrumblegrumble...

Then K wants to go on the computer...whatWHAT??? Ok, it is for homework...I'm not an unreasonable lady...but NO Facebook, no goofing off, just homework...

I go outside to check on hubby and the boys, and through the window I hear that unmistakable chime...facebook chat...So why was I mad when I came back in...hmmmm

K "Why have you been so mad at us since we got home?" Me "Well, have you done what you were supposed to and followed the rules?" K "No...but..." haven't done what you were supposed to, you haven't followed the rules. You knowingly are doing things that won't make me a happy Mama...almost going out of your way to MAKE me upset with why exactly are you surprised when it works?" K "Well, that's not fair!"


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