Friday, September 30, 2011

About that STUPID laundry!

I was just commenting in a large family group about a question on laundry.They were asking "how do you stay on top of laundry?"...I have FINALLY REALIZED that there is no!such!thing! Seriously,how can anyone with a large family be caught up on laundry?The term doesn't exist!Once everyone undressed there's 2 loads right there,not to mention pee'd on poo'd on blankets and sheets from babies and leaky toddlers.Pretty soon im going to make it mandatory to wear PJs allllll weekend,the same pair from Friday night thru Monday morning! ;)
Right now I'm avoiding going home because of it but I must get started because my husband and I are flying across country NEXT WEEKEND!!!!Wooohooo!
★please post your home made laundry detergent recipes here!!

1 comment:

  1. I think it may have happened once here...for about ten minutes! LOL
