Friday, September 30, 2011

Introducing the Crazy C Family!!

I'm Amy, proud (if often exasperated) wife to Mike. I'm a craftoholic (blogging at With A Tangled Skein and hocking my wares at Tangled Skeins on Etsy)...he's a rock and roller! We have 8 children total...yeah...8 is ENOUGH! (totally intended pun!). They drive me a bit batty sometimes...the laundry is always overflowing, and there really is no such thing as silence...but I couldn't imagine life any other way!

Our oldest, my step-son J, is 24 years old, and is, temporarily at least, back  in the family home. Times are tough, so you do what you have to do! You never stop being parents...EVER!

Our next 2 might as well be twins...Bobbsey twins, perhaps, LOL. Our daughter K is 16, just 6 months older than my little sister P, who I have been guardian of for the last 8 years. They are certainly giving me a run for my sanity...these teen years are NOT easy, and with a double helping...well lets just say I hope it passes quickly!

Next in line is N. She is 12, and is a budding little chef. None of the older ones showed any interest in it, but she just loves it. It is definitely a huge help to this super busy mama! She is getting pretty good at it, too!

My littlest girls are the best of friends. 2 years apart in age, they are absolutely inseparable. Where you find one, the other isn't too far off! M is a speed-demon. Even in utero, the girl never stopped moving, and that holds true even 8 years later! You know M is in the house by the constant pitter-patter, LOL. R, age 6, is our little princess...invariably decked out in tutus and silkies, with an ever-present grin on her face!

After a houseful of girlies, we finally ended up with our little boys. A is 3, smart, precocious, and daddy's little buddy. With a devilish smile and a whip crack sense of humor, you can't help but smile, even when he is driving you up a wall!

B is one, mama's little darling, and the L.A.S.T! Passing through each of the baby stages has been a little bit bittersweet, but watching him blossom into toddler-hood with such vigor (and knowing the nightmare sleepless newbie days are in the past forever) is wonderful.

Add to the family insanity with one big goofy dog, 2 cats, 5 parakeets, and 3 fish, and you realize why there is no such thing as a dull moment around here!

(L-R are back row: K, P, niece S, N...front row: M...with baby B on her lap, R, and A (on N's lap!)