Monday, October 31, 2011

Mom gets a night out!

I don't get a night out often...ok, a more accurate statement would honestly be almost never! This weekend marked the very first time I was out without kids in tow in over 4 years. (Because you absolutely cannot count childbirth as a kid-free experience!! LOL) To say I was overdue for a night of relaxation was ever so much more than an understatement!!

Hubby's band Looking For Eleven was booked to play a pre-Halloween gig at a little club called the Long Way Home Saloon in the nearby town of Willows. Getting the night kid free took roping in our two eldest daughters and my dear step son to run tag-team with the rest of the crew, but that accomplished, I was MORE than ready for a night out!. Many calls home from both hubby and I occurred all evening, LOL. I am pleased to report that there were no real problems at all!! That was the best news of the night! LOL

The evening was a costume party, so I got to dress up...and put a little (LOT!!) of work into making the perfect costume!! I now completely understand the olden days appeal of the corset...and why these lovely garments aren't quite so popular anymore (not to mention how much of a pain it is to sew in boning! And I couldn't take a deep breath all night, lol. No wonder ladies used to carry smelling salts in their wrist bags!! LOL

Me in my costume :D

The night started off slow, but the band (Looking For Eleven) was in great form, even with the addition of a new guitar player less than 2 weeks ago!! They sounded awesome, and had a lot of fun with costume changes! :D


A girl could get used to that...a night out of the house. I do think this is something I am going to have to make more of a habit of. Just one night off really did me a world of good! (except the sore feet from my KILLER heels!!)

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