The weather has shifted here in Indiana and the mornings have gotten nice and chilly. Being only two and a half, my son hasn't realized that this sudden drop in temperature should warrant a change of wardrobe. By change, I really mean a total addition of a wardrobe. My son, like most toddlers, prefers to be completely free and unfettered by trappings of any kind and yesterday was no exception. I thought I had it well under control after I managed to wrangle him into some colorful sweats and three different types of socks (Two on one foot, one on his hand. As long as he was wearing them I was happy).
Silly me. I should have used the duct tape like my husband suggested.
Some time later I was comfortably dozing on the couch when I felt the blanket being tugged on. I scooted over without even opening my eyes so the toddler could join me for what I thought was going to be a brief snuggle. I surely wasn't expecting someone to wiggle a frozen ham under my sweatshirt and press it right up against my backside. My heart stopped. I yelped. He just giggled through blue lips and stuck his iced over toes against my bare stomach. I'm pretty sure the Unborn tried to burrow into my spleen.
I picked Frozen Toddler up, wrapped us both in the blanket, and made a mental note to look for his toes later. I found his clothes scattered throughout the kitchen and managed to get the shirt over his head, only to have him rip it off while I fumbled with getting a frozen foot into a pant leg. Even sitting next to the heater it was still chilly enough that he needed to wear something. I mentally went through every Mama trick I could think of and finally came up with a solution.
I needed footed jammies!
I managed to get him wrangled into a blanket while I searched and grabbed the first pair that would fit him: Snugly, warm, and with a zipper that could be pinned! Even better, they were Superman jammies! How cool is that? I talked up Superman as excitedly as I could while I wiggled his little arms and legs into them. I recited the whole "Faster than a speeding bullet and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound" spiel. By the time I zipped them up he didn't even realize he was wearing clothes.
I should have known.
As soon as he was dressed he ran off into the other room and I immediately heard, "Mommy! I Supahmaaaaaan! I fly!".
Oh, crap. The rest of the morning was spent by him trying take off. When running through the house at top speed didn't work he resorted to jumping off of the furniture. I ended up hiding all the kitchen chairs so he would stop using them as ladders. Finally, he discovered jumping on the bed and all was well for about an hour. Then he jumped onto the toy box, gave his older brother a black eye, and managed to konk his head on the dresser.
That was about the time I decided that it was warm enough for him to be naked again.
Tomorrow we're going shopping for plain pajamas.
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